Below is list of what is required Please be advised that motor vehicles first registered in Great Britain (GB), and subsequently registered in NI after 31 December 2020, will be subject to additional requirements if imported into the State.
The same additional requirements will also apply to vehicles imported from GB to Ireland via NI. These additional requirements must be completed prior to presenting the vehicle for registration. In order to issue Confirmation Letter that your client presents at the NCT Centre the following documentation will have to be submitted via MyEnquiries ( (UK Registration Certificate)
- Fully completed attached SID (supplementary importation declaration) Form Supplementary import VAT declaration to apply for postponed accounting as explained on the SID form. Supplementary Import Declaration (
- Invoice
- Supplementary Declaration to TSS/HMRC, showing the reg number of the vehicle, VIN, MRN and date of entry to NI – this is the documentation that we Abbey VAT & Customs supplied to Danny Gallagher